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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 687   View pdf image
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equipment and maintenance of a public museum, according to the
intent and directions of any donor or donors; to make and effect
from time to time sales or exchanges of art objects and other
exhibits as may be deemed beneficial; to make rules for the
regulation of said museum, with power to provide for the
enforcement of the same; to contract and pay for the services of
a director and all other labor and services necessary for the
proper maintenance of said museum; to purchase and maintain all
necessary furniture and other equipment; to provide for heating,
lighting and insuring the building or buildings; and with power
also to perform all other acts necessary to establish and
maintain in perpetuity a public museum for the use of the
inhabitants of Washington County, and to carry into effect the
purposes of the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said Board of
Trustees be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to enter
into contracts with the County Commissioners of Washington
County, and with the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown, providing
for the receipt of revenues in aid of said museum.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Board of
Trustees, and their successors, shall have perpetual succession
for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act; and
in case of the death, resignation, refusal to act, removal from
the county, or any incapacity of any trustee or trustees to
discharge the duties of trustees as required by this Act, the
surviving or remaining trustees shall immediately select a
successor or successors, who shall, by virtue of such selection,
become entitled to act. as trustee in the place and stead of the
person dying, resigning, removing from the county, or refusal or
incapacity to act as aforesaid; provided, however, that the Mayor
of Hagerstown and the President of the County Commissioners of
Washington County shall always be trustees ex-officio as
hereinbefore provided by this Act. Every trustee, before
proceeding to act, shall qualify by taking the test oath required
by the Constitution and laws of the State of Maryland, a
certificate of which qualification shall be recorded on the
minutes of the proceedings of the board of trustees.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Board of
Trustees, and their successors, is hereby authorized and
empowered to acquire and receive, by purchase, gift, grant,
devise or bequest, any and all property, real, personal or mixed,
as well as books and all objects of art and virtue, and hold the
same in perpetuity for the use of "The Washington County Museum
of Fine Arts"; and to sell, dispose of, invest and re-invest, any
and all property so received by them, as in their judgment may
best serve the interest and welfare of said public museum.

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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 687   View pdf image
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