(7) Fraudulently obtaining, attempting to obtain, OR
aiding another person in obtaining[,] or attempting to obtain any
drug product or any medical care, the benefit or payment of any
part of which is or may be made from federal or [state] STATE
funds under a [state] STATE medical assistance program, by use
(i) Fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or
(ii) [forgery] FORGERY or alteration of a
medical assistance or pharmacy assistance prescription; or
(iii) [concealment] CONCEALMENT of any material
fact or by the use of false names or addresses.
(a) Nothing in this subtitle shall be construed to make it
unlawful for any bona fide religious, fraternal, civic, [war]
veterans' hospital, amateur athletic organization in which all
playing members are less than eighteen years of age, or
charitable organization or corporation in Baltimore City or
Baltimore County to conduct or hold a carnival, bazaar or raffle
for the benefit of any such religious, fraternal, civic, [war]
veterans' hospital, amateur athletic or charitable organization
or corporation, provided that no individual or group of
individuals shall benefit financially from the holding of any
such bazaar, carnival or raffle or shall receive or be paid any
of the proceeds from any such carnival, bazaar or raffle, for
personal use or benefit. At such carnival, bazaar or raffle, it
shall be lawful to award prizes to any individual in merchandise
and cash in any amount in Baltimore County and Baltimore City in
any one game or spin by such devices as are commonly designated
as paddle wheels or wheels of fortune. In Baltimore County and
Baltimore City it shall be lawful to award prizes in merchandise
and cash up to any amount, but no one organization in Baltimore
County shall conduct more than two (2) raffles in any one
calendar year and no organizations in Baltimore City may conduct
more than 12 raffles in any calendar year. As used herein, the
word "raffle" shall mean one or more drawings from a single
series of chances sold by means of chance books. Before any such
carnival, bazaar or raffle shall be operated, such group,
organization or corporation shall first obtain from the police
commissioner of Baltimore City, or the chief of police of
Baltimore County, as the case may be, a permit, which permit
shall provide that such carnival, bazaar or raffle shall be
managed and operated only by members of such group, organization
or corporation personally and such permit shall not be
transferable. Only those bona fide religious, fraternal, civic,
[war] veterans' hospital, amateur athletic or charitable
organizations or corporations shall be eligible for a permit
which spend the greater part of their funds for fraternal, civic,
[war] veterans' hospital, amateur athletic or charitable purposes
in Baltimore City, if the raffle, carnival, or bazaar is to be
held there, or in Baltimore County, if to be held there.