The oral and written reports shall contain the following
information, or as much thereof as the person making the report
shall be able in the circumstances to furnish:
(4) The nature and extent of the injuries or injury
or sexual abuse of the child or children in question, including
any evidence or information available to the person or agency
rendering the report of previous injury or injuries possibly
resulting from abuse or previous sexual abuse; AND
(i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subheading,
the following persons may, to the extent authorized prior to
March 27, 1972, and subject to the conditions specified in this
[paragraph] SUBSECTION and [paragraph (i)] SUBSECTION (J) hereof
continue to wear, carry, or transport a handgun without a permit:
(1) Holders of special police commissions issued
under §§ 60 to 70 of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, while actually on duty on the property for which the
commission was issued or while travelling to or from such duty;
(2) Uniformed security guards, special railway
police, and watchmen who have been cleared for such employment by
the Maryland State Police, while in the course of their
employment or while traveling to or from the place of employment;
(3) Guards in the employ of a bank, savings and loan
association, building and loan association, or express or armored
car agency, while in the course of their employment or while
traveling to or from the place of employment;
(4) Private detectives and employees of private
detectives previously licensed under former § 90A of Article 56
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, while in the course of their
employment, or while traveling to or from the place of
(j) Each person referred to in [paragraph (h)] SUBSECTION
(I) hereof shall, within one year after March 27, 1972, make
application for a permit as provided in this section. Such
application shall include evidence satisfactory to the
Superintendent of the Maryland State Police that the applicant is
trained and qualified in the use of handguns. The right to wear,
carry, or transport a handgun provided for in [paragraph (h)]
SUBSECTION (I) hereof shall terminate at the expiration of one
year after March 27, 1972, if no such application is made, or
immediately upon notice to the applicant that his application for
a permit has not been approved.
(b) "Medicaid fraud" means: