county officers or employees, including the County Commissioners,
and to govern the conduct and actions of all such county officers
and employees in the performance of their public duties, and to
provide for penalties, including [finds] FINES, forfeitures,
imprisonment, and removal from office for violation of any such
laws or regulations.
(a) In Prince George's County any action having a
legislative effect and pertaining to the general public taken by
the Board of County Commissioners except: (1) the imposition of
a tax, or, (2) the making of an appropriation for the county
government: or any county institution or, (3) any action relating
to zoning or to the adoption of zoning master plans, may be
petitioned by the voters of the county to be submitted for
approval or rejection by them at the next regular election held
in the county.
Such legislative actions taken or passed by the County
Commissioners of Prince George's County shall become effective 90
days after their adoption or passage excepting that those adopted
or passed by a yea or nay vote of two thirds of the Board of
Commissioners shall become effective immediately upon passage or
adoption and upon satisfying the requirements of § 4 of this
article. The referendum petitions must be filed with the board
of supervisors of elections within 90 days following the adoption
or passage of the legislative action and must bear the signatures
of at least ten per centum (10%) of those voting for the Governor
in Prince George's County in the last general election. Upon
proper filing of the petition, the legislative action shall not
become effective until 30 days after its approval by a majority
of the voters voting thereon at the next regular election held in
the county, except that any legislative action adopted or passed
by a two-thirds vote of the commissioners shall remain in force,
notwithstanding the petition, but shall stand repealed 30 days
after having been rejected by a majority of the qualified
electors voting thereon.
(b) The board of supervisors of elections of Prince
George's County shall adopt rules and regulations specifying the
form of the referendum petition and the procedure for filing such
form and submission of petitioned legislative actions to the
(c) The foregoing provisions of this section permitting
referendum petitions shall not apply to the exercise of any
authority by the County Commissioners for Prince George's County
to issue, endorse, or guarantee bonds, bond anticipation notes,
or any other obligations pursuant to any public general or public
local law.]