counsel or represent any party professionally before any court,
board, commission or agency of this State or any county or
political subdivision of this State. It is intended by these
provisions that the deputy State's attorneys[,] and assistant
State's attorneys not engage in the private practice of law in
any manner whatsoever.
(c) Any attorney wilfully violating the provisions of this
section, in addition to the penalties set forth in subsection (b)
[hereof] OF THIS SECTION, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for
each such violation and on conviction thereof, shall be fined not
more than five thousand dollars ($5,000[.]) or be imprisoned for
not more than five (5) years, or both in the discretion of the
The General Assembly of Maryland finds and declares that:
(b) Reduction of federal funds has diminished the legal
services provided by the existing statewide legal services
programs: the Legal Aid Bureau, Inc.; the Maryland Advocacy Unit
for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc.; and the Maryland
Volunteer Lawyers Service, [Inc.] INC.;
(b) Funds made available to grantees by the Corporation
under this subtitle may not be used:
(1) To provide legal assistance with respect to any
fee-generating case; [or]
Article 19 - Comptroller
(d) [(1)] A person aggrieved by a final decision of the
unit concerning the validity of the debt or correctness of the
amount may appeal the decision in accordance with the
Administrative Procedure Act. If a person disputes a denial of a
claim for a refund by the Comptroller on grounds other than the
validity of the debt or the correctness of the amount owed and
that person also is appealing an adverse determination of the
Maryland Tax Court under Article 81, then judicial review of both
decisions shall be consolidated.
Article 25 - County Commissioners
(mm) (1) To enact laws or regulations designed to prevent
conflicts between the private interests and public duties of any