Annotated Code of Maryland.
Approved May 4, 1982.
Bill No. 3-82
AN ACT to add amendments to Article II, "Solid Waste
Ordinance" in order to prohibit sewage sludge application on
lands of Kent County unless consistent with the applicable
provisions of the zoning ordinance.
Approved November 19, 1982.
Bill No. 82-1
Worcester County Ethics Law
FOR the purposes of enacting conflict of interest and
disclosure provisions as required pursuant to. Article 40A,
Sections 6-101 and 6-102 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Title
5. Ethics with Sections 5-101 through 5-107 of the County
Government Article of the Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester
County, Maryland.
Enacted March 9, 1982.
Bill No. 82-2
Tax Levy and Budget
FOR the purpose of providing that certain approved
appropriations may be funded by a designated revenue source.
Section 4-201 of the County Government Article of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland, be amended to
add a subparagraph (h) and that Section 1-201 of the Taxation and
Revenue Article of the Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester
County, Maryland, be amended to add a subparagraph (c).
Enacted March 23, 1982.
Bill No. 82-3