AN ACT to add a new Section 556A to the Code of Public Local
Laws of Allegany County (1963 Edition and 1973 Supplement, being
Article I of the Code of Public Local. Laws of Maryland) titled
"Allegany County" and subtitled "Motion Picture Exhibitions Not
Completely Enclosed from Public View" to provide for regulation
of Motion Picture Exhibitions, in order to safeguard the health,
safety, welfare and morals of the citizens and youth within
Allegany County.
Effective March 5, 1982.
Bill No. 2-82
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact Section 46 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Allegany County (1963 Edition and 1973
Supplement, being Article I of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland) titled "Allegany County" subtitled Compensation of
Commissioners to provide for an amended rate of compensation for
the Allegany County Commissioners to read as follows:
Approved February 19, 1982.
Bill No. 3-82
A PUBLIC LOCAL LAW authorizing and empowering County
Commissioners of Allegany County (the "County") to issue, sell
(by private, negotiated sale) and deliver, at any time or from
time to time, its industrial development revenue bonds in an
aggregate principal amount not to exceed $300,000.00, pursuant to
the provisions of Sections 266A to 266-I, inclusive, of Article
41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1978 Replacement Volume and
1981 Cumulative Supplement), as amended, in order to lend the
proceeds thereof to Allegany Cooperative Labor Temple
Association, Incorporated (the "Borrower"), a Maryland
corporation with its principal place of business in Allegany
County, Maryland, to defray the costs of the acquisition by the
Borrower of a certain industrial building to be located in
Allegany County, Maryland, all as provided in this Public Local
Law; making certain legislative findings, among others,
concerning the public benefit and purpose of such revenue bonds;
providing that such revenue bonds and the interest thereon shall
be limited obligations of the County, payable by the County
solely from the revenue derived from loan repayments (both
principal and interest) made to the County on account of such
loan and from certain other moneys made available to the County
for such purpose, and that neither such revenue bonds nor the
interest thereon shall ever constitute an indebtedness or a