State, the local government employers, and the members of
the retirement and pension systems;
(4) Changes in the procedures for funding the
liabilities of the retirement and pension systems; and
(5) Other cost-containment measures which the
Committee deems to be appropriate.
(b) In order to carry out the functions of the Committee
stated in this section, the Committee shall consult with
representatives of the agencies of State government, of the
local governments of this State, and of the organizations of
employees of State and local government employers.
Section 3. Chairperson and staff
(a) The Governor shall appoint the chairperson and the
vice chairperson of the Committee.
(b) The Department of Fiscal Services may provide staff
support to the Committee.
Section 4. Reports
The Committee shall report its findings and
recommendations to the Governor and the Legislative Policy
Committee no later than December 15, 1983.
WHEREAS, The Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law
97-35, enacted by the Congress of the United States and
approved by the President of the Unites States, changed the
provisions of federal law which determine the availability
of extended unemployment insurance benefits to persons who
have exhausted their regular unemployment insurance
benefits; and
WHEREAS, As the result of the change in federal law, extended
unemployment benefits will not be available to persons in
Maryland for weeks beginning after July 31, 1982; and
WHEREAS, It is necessary to modify existing Maryland law to
prevent the loss of unemployment insurance benefits to
thousands of Maryland citizens who have exhausted their
regular unemployment insurance benefits;