aggregate data with all personal identifiers removed. Each
individual report of duty status shall state whether the
worker is able to wear a respirator. No other medical
findings or information will be included in these reports.
(b) Training Requirements
(1) Level I and Level II employees shall receive
asbestos training from, or approved by, the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene.
(2) Level I employees are those workers employed in
positions listed in Attachment A to the Asbestos Safety and
Health Program with the potential for asbestos exposure
because of work - related activities, but who do not
normally break, cut into, tear out, or otherwise disturb
asbestos or asbestos-containing materials.
(3) Level II employees are those workers employed in
positions listed in Attachment A to the Asbestos Safety and
Health Program whose job activity causes them to break, cut
into, tear out, or otherwise disturb asbestos or asbestos
containing-materials, or who must work in areas where this
activity takes place.
(4) A Level II employee may not work with asbestos
until he or she has received the appropriate asbestos safety
and health training.
(5) The asbestos safety and health training standards
shall be developed by the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene in consultation with both the Maryland Occupational
Safety and Health Administration and representatives of
those State employees who are or may be exposed to asbestos.
(c) The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene is
responsible for implementation and coordination of the
medical monitoring and training provisions of the Asbestos
Safety and Health Program.
Section 5. Amendments
(a) Each amendment to the Asbestos Safety and Health
Program may not be effective unless approved by the
Secretary of Personnel.
(b) The Secretary of Personnel shall consult with the
appropriate heads of the State departments and agencies
affected by the amendment and shall give appropriate notice
of each amendment to those health and employee organizations
which the Secretary of Personnel knows to have expressed an
interest in the Asbestos Safety and Health Program.