(a) Shall meet at such times and such places as
the Council deems necessary in publicly
announced meetings which shall be open and
accessible to the general public to the
extent appropriate;
(b) May obtain the services of such
professional, technical and clerical
personnel as may be necessary to carry out
its functions in accord with the
appropriate State budgetary and
administrative requirements; and
(c) Kay not operate programs or provide
services directly to eligible participants,
but shall, subject to the approval of the
Governor, plan, coordinate and monitor the
provision of such programs and services
within the State and perform the functions
of the State job training coordinating
council set forth in the provisions of the
Job Training Partnership Act.
4. The Council may establish an Executive Committee
composed of 2 or more members of the Council
appointed by the Chairperson. The Council may
delegate to the Executive Committee any of the
powers of the Council except those powers which
are required by law to be exercised by the
Council. The meetings of the Executive Committee
are subject to the provisions of Section 3(a) of
this Order.
5. Funding for the Council shall be provided pursuant
to the provisions of the Job Training Partnership
Act and the annual State budget, including
amendments to the budget approved in accordance
with law.
Asbestos Safety and Health Program
WHEREAS, Scientific studies on asbestos have been conducted by
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and
the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and