HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2537
The State of Maryland offers to employees of
the institutions of higher education various
tax deferred annuities and disability plans
that have been approved by the Board of
Trustees of the State Universities and
Colleges, Morgan State University, St.
Mary's College, or the University of
Maryland. In addition, the Maryland State
Retirement Systems also offer a tax deferred
annuity. No expansion in these deductions
is permitted without the concurrence of the
appropriate governing body and the support
of the Payroll Center.
Insurance afforded to Federal Civil Service
The State of Maryland affords an insurance
payroll deduction to Federal Civil Service
employees who are currently paid by the
State since it is a condition of their
Deductions for Employee Organizations and
Subject to the general limitations stated in
this Order, any employee labor organization
or association of management officials or
supervisors is entitled to payroll deduction
privileges provided the organization or
association meets all of the following
1. It is organized for purposes other than
obtaining insurance coverage.
2. It serves the interest of employees and
the State as an employer as certified by
the Secretary of Personnel.
3. It has at last 1,000 members who agree
to payroll deduction.
4. In order to provide payroll deduction to
smaller organizations that would
otherwise qualify except for the number
of members who agree to payroll
deduction, the Governor, in his
discretion, may approve one additional
deduction per employee or organizations