This approval extends only to the structural aspects of the
proposal. Specific personnel or budgetary items remain, of
course, subject to the normal administrative processes.
I share your view that new organization of the Forest and
Park Service will promote optimum management and utilization of
Maryland's forest and park resources.
Harry Hughes
October 13, 1982
The Honorable Harry Hughes
Governor of Maryland
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Governor Hughes:
Chapter 184 of the 1982 Laws of Maryland combined the forest and
park units of the Department of Natural Resources into one unit.
To implement that law, and in accordance with Article 41, §15CB
of the Annotated Code, the following organization of the Maryland
Forest and Park Service is proposed.
Present activities of the two units would be consolidated into
three separate programs; general direction, cooperative forestry
and land management. A director of the Forest and Park Service
would be the chief administrative officer of the unit and would
be responsible directly to the Secretary of Natural Resources.
The director would be responsible for the planning,
implementation and evaluation of all Forest and Park Service
programs and activities. An associate director, a chief for
operations (land management), state forester, chief of program
control, and administrative officer would report to the director.
These officials comprise part of the general direction program
more specifically described below.
Public land management activities of the Park Service and Forest
Service would be combined into one budget program headed by a
program director, chief of operations. The chief of operations
would be responsible for concession management, construction,
environmental review, facility maintenance, interpretation, law
enforcement, manpower programs, rentals, and state forest and
state park operations. An environmental specialist, supervisor
of interpretation, a chief of law enforcement, and all park and
forest managers would be under the supervision of the program
director for land management.
Cooperative forestry management (private land activities),