(iv) Revenue from State sources;
(v) Revenue from federal sources;
(vi) Unliquidated surplus, the actual from the
previous fiscal year and the estimated for the current fiscal
year, whether accrued from revenues or expenditures; and
(vii) Funds from all other sources, with
identification of the source.
(4) School construction fund, requested
(i) Land for school sites;
(ii) Buildings and the equipment that will be
an integral part of a building by project;
(iii) School site improvement by project;
(iv) Remodeling by project; and
(v) Additional equipment by project;
Part III
(5) Debt service fund, estimated receipts:
(i) Revenue from local sources
(ii) Revenue from State sources
(iii) Revenue from federal sources and
(iv) Revenue from all other sources, with
identification of source
(6) Debt service fund, requested appropriation:
(i) Principal
(ii) Interest
(iii) Other charges
Part IV
(7) The budget document shall contain an addendum
showing estimated expenditures for special education, including
instruction by programs, as defined by the Department and the
appropriations and expenditures for instruction by programs in
the current and previous fiscal years.