RESOLVED, That the Task Force on Senior Citizen Activity
Centers be staffed by the Maryland State Office on Aging, the
Department of Fiscal Services, and the Department of Budget and
Fiscal Planning, and the Department of State Planning; and be it
RESOLVED, That a report of the findings and recommendations
of the Task Force be submitted to the Governor by September 1,
1983; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the Honorable
Benjamin Cardin, the Speaker of the House of Delegates; the
Honorable Melvin Steinberg, the President of the Senate of
Maryland; and the Director of the Maryland State Office on Aging,
301 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
Signed May 24, 1983.
No. 28 *
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 1)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
The Equal Rights Amendment
FOR the purpose of urging the United States Congress to again
pass the Equal Rights Amendment so that it may be submitted
to the states for ratification.
WHEREAS, Equality is a basic constitutional right which must
be guaranteed all Americans; and
WHEREAS, The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) recognizes the
fundamental dignity and individuality of each human being by
requiring that governments treat each person, male or female, as
a citizen under the law without regard to gender; and
WHEREAS, A Constitutional Amendment is the only permanent
insurance women will have of equal opportunities in education,
employment, credit, retirement plans, and numerous other areas;
WHEREAS, The American Bar Association explained the need for
the ERA in the "No ordinary statute can provide the bedrock
protection assured by a Constitutional Amendment. No court
decision can provide that protection, for the courts can
interpret, but they may not amend the Constitution"; and
WHEREAS, The existing constitutional guarantees will not
mandate the changes that are needed since the United States
* Also signed by the Governor