WHEREAS, The citizens of Maryland are desirous that those
men and women who gave so unselfishly to their country and to the
State of Maryland and to their communities be recognized; and
WHEREAS, The citizens of Maryland wish to express their
desire through the establishment by the State of Maryland of a
memorial of lasting record so that future generations of citizens
will note the courage and final sacrifice of those who served our
nation; and
WHEREAS, The creation of a memorial to honor those brave men
and women will guarantee that they will not have sacrificed in
vain; now, therefore, be it
Governor is requested to establish a commission to perform the
following duties and responsibilities:
(1) Create a listing of those men and women who were
citizens of the State of Maryland who gave their lives
to our nation during the Vietnam conflict;
(2) Create a listing of those men and women who are
declared as Missing in Action during the Vietnam
(3) Meet regularly to develop recommendations to the
Governor, the Senate of Maryland, and the House of
Delegates for the casting, building, construction, and
placement of a suitable . memorial plaque or other
monument which would contain the names of those
Maryland citizens who sacrificed their lives for their
country during the period of the Vietnam War, and the
names of those still listed as Missing in Action, so
that there shall forever remain a permanent record of
their unselfish and lasting sacrifice; and be it
RESOLVED, That the commission consist of:
(1) The Chairperson and members of the Maryland State
Veterans Commission;
(2) 1 representative of the Vietnam Veterans Leadership
(3) 1 representative of the Vietnam Veterans Foundation;
(4) 2 representatives of the community who are recognized
for their expertise in the arts; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the commission shall consist of those members
as selected and appointed by the Governor; and be it further