HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2291
The Economic Expansion of Service Industries
FOR the purpose of requesting the Governor to appoint a task
force to study policies that affect the growth and
development of the service industry in Maryland.
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland promotes a vigorous and
growing State economy; and
WHEREAS, The role of service industries is becoming
increasingly important for employment and income as the national
economy evolves; and
WHEREAS, The service industry in the State of Maryland and
in the nation has been a leader in the creation of jobs; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland needs to be better
informed on those aspects of the State tax structure,
regulations, economic development initiatives, and other policy
considerations that may affect the location and growth of service
industry firms in Maryland; now, therefore, be it
Governor is requested to establish a Task Force on Expansion of
Service Industries to study and recommend policies that will
facilitate the growth and location of service industries in
Maryland; and be it further
RESOLVED That the Task Force be composed of:
(1) 2 members of the Senate of Maryland appointed by
the President of the Senate;
(2) 2 members of the House of Delegates appointed by
the Speaker of the House;
(3) 1 representative of the Comptroller of the
Treasury appointed by the Comptroller;
(4) 1 representative of the Department of Licensing
and Regulation appointed by the Secretary;
(5) 1 representative of the Department of State
(5)(6) 2 representatives from the service industries
to be selected from a list recommended by the Maryland Chamber of
Commerce and appointed by the Governor; and
(6)(7) 2 representatives 1 representative from the
academic community appointed by the Governor; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall be chaired by the
Secretary of the Department of Economic and Community
Development; and be it further