analysis evidence of a certain chemical analysis is not
admissible in a certain prosecution under certain
circumstances and generally relates thereto.........68 (2117)
H.B. 1343-Memorial Stadium Seating and Field Facilities
Loan of 1980 - Alters the periods in which certain
deductions and transfers shall be made by the
Comptroller and relates thereto.....................70 (2118)
H.B. 1366-Montgomery and Prince George's Counties
Permits a municipality to decrease the maximum speed
limit in certain school zones and relates thereto...71 (2119)
H.B. 1518-Harford County - Prohibits any person,
corporation, club, or organization, from allowing
alcoholic beverages to be consumed in a certain manner
in a certain place under the control of the person,
corporation, or organization and relates thereto.... 72 (2120)
H.B. 1663-Harford County - Authorizes the issuance of a
certain alcoholic beverages license for caterers and
generally relates thereto...........................77 (2121)
H.B. 1670-Industrial revenue bonds - Prohibits the State
or any State agency from entering certain leases or
contracts relating to certain facilities and revenue
bonds without certain approval......................78 (2122)
H.B. 1783-Spending affordability - Requires the
appointment of a Spending Affordability Committee and
generally relates to spending affordability for this
State...............................................79 (2123)
H.B. 1815-Orchard Street Methodist Church - Suspends
certain provisions relating to the time by which the
project contained in the General Construction Loan of
1976 must be placed under contract..................81 (2124)
H.B. 1829-Frederick County Jail Loan of 1982 - Creates a
State Debt with proceeds to assist in the construction
of the County Jail..................................82 (2125)
H.B. 1837-Carroll County Jail Loan of 1982 - Creates a
State Debt with proceeds for improvements to the County
Jail................................................83 (2126)
H.B. 1890-Firearms - Alters the prohibition on the
possession of short-barreled rifles and short-barreled
shotguns and relates thereto........................84 (2127)
Washington County --
See Vetoed Bills, H.B. 1114