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Session Laws and Journals, 1982, August Special Session
Volume 743, Page 402   View pdf image
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Page and generally relates thereto.......................44 (2103) H.B. 942-Baltimore County - Alters the salaries of the
judges of the Orphans' Court, establishes the hours,
and alters the salary of the bailiff................46 (2104) H.B. 980-Wage garnishment - Provides that certain wages,
due from or payable by certain units of government and
their public officers, to certain individuals are
subject to attachment under certain circumstances and
generally relates thereto...........................48 (2105) H.B. 1014-Mental hygiene - Provides for procedures
relating to the admission or release of an individual
to a facility operated by the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene and generally relates thereto........49 (2106) H.B. 1040-Public education - Provides that in addition to
the State share of basic current expenses, certain
counties shall receive hold harmless aid in fiscal year
1983................................................50 (2107) H.B. 1114-Washington County - Provides certain procedures
for the nomination and election of the members of the
Board of Education and generally relates thereto.... 52 (2108) H.B. 1218-Taxes - Imposes recordation and transfer taxes
on certain dissolutions and liquidations and provides
for the determination of "consideration" in certain
transactions........................................53 (2109) H.B. 1232-Services for the elderly - Provides a single
point of entry program within certain areas to provide
certain services to elderly persons and generally
relates thereto.....................................54 (2110) H.B. 1233-Services for the elderly - Alters the powers
and duties of the Director on Aging, creates the
Interagency Committee on Aging Services and generally
relates thereto.....................................56 (2111) H.B. 1234-Services for the elderly - Establishes a pilot
program to provide certain services for the benefit of
frail or health impaired elderly persons at risk of
institutionalization and generally relates thereto..57 (2112) H.B. 1254-Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus Loan
of 1982 - Creates a State Debt with proceeds for
laboratory and teaching space in Dunning and Remsen
Halls...............................................58 (2113) H.B. 1277-Used oil - Prohibits a person from burning any
used oil unless the emissions from the burning oil meet
federal and State air quality standards and makes a
certain exemption...................................59 (2114) H.B. 1280-Cable television - Grants specific authority
for counties, incorporated municipalities and Baltimore
City to engage in community antenna television and
cable franchising and generally relates thereto.....64 (2115) H.B. 1289-Motor vehicles - Changes the date at which the
motor vehicle emissions inspection program becomes
mandatory and generally relates to the emissions
inspection program..................................66 (2116) H.B. 1305-Chemical test for alcohol - Provides that

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Session Laws and Journals, 1982, August Special Session
Volume 743, Page 402   View pdf image
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