Ch. 1
(d) (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), any
otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled during any
benefit year to a total amount of benefits equal to twenty-six
(26) times [his] THE INDIVIDUAL'S basic weekly benefit amount,
and for each week during which benefits are payable in any
amount, the claimant shall be entitled to allowances for
dependents, which allowances shall not be deducted from [his] THE
CLAIMANT'S benefit account.
(2) (i) Except as provided in paragraph (3), with
respect to unemployment which occurs during an additional benefit
period, any otherwise eligible individual who has exhausted all
of the regular benefits to which [he] THE INDIVIDUAL is entitled
under paragraph (1), shall be entitled during any benefit year to
a total amount of additional benefits not to exceed 13 times
[his] THE INDIVIDUAL'S basic weekly benefit amount. For each
week during which additional benefits are payable in any amount,
the claimant shall be entitled to allowances for dependents,
which allowances shall not be deducted from [his] THE CLAIMANT'S
total entitlement to additional benefits.
(ii) An additional benefit period begins the
third week after an "on" indicator for additional benefits and
ends the third week after an "off" indicator for additional
benefits. Provided, however, that an additional benefit period
may not end before the thirteenth consecutive week of such period
and may not begin before the fourteenth week following the end of
a prior additional benefit period.
(iii) An additional benefit period may not
begin before [September 26, 1982] AUGUST 1, 1982, and may not
continue after June 4, 1983. [If the Federal-State Extended
Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-373 as
amended by Public Law 97-35) is amended to alter to a date after
September 26, 1982, the date by which the states are required to
implement the new State "on" and "off" indicators for extended
benefits specified in Section 2403 of Public Law 97-35, an
additional benefit period may not begin before that later date
specified in the amendments to the Federal-State Extended
Unemployment Compensation Act.]
(iv) There is an additional benefits "on"
indicator for a week if for a period that consists of the week
and the 12 immediately preceding weeks, the rate of insured
unemployment (not seasonally adjusted) equaled or exceeded 120
percent of the average of the rate for the corresponding 13-week
period in each of the 2 preceding calendar years and equaled or
exceeded 4 percent.
(v) There is an additional benefits "off"
indicator for a week if for a period that consists of the week
and the 12 immediately preceding weeks, the rate of insured
unemployment (not seasonally adjusted) was less than 120 percent
of the average of the rates for the corresponding 13-week period