should coordinate its work to set forth a legislative
initiative for job growth in our State.
The House of Delegates must continue its careful
oversight of housing, job training and education programs to
assess whether the dollars we are presently spending are
well coordinated and reaching the right people.
Tax policy can be a powerful tool and any adjustments
we make during this recession should be carefully analyzed.
We must examine unemployment compensation in greater depth
than we have had time for during this week. Obviously,
contingency plans must be made for possible future reversals
in federal policy. We must also proceed cautiously in
making any structural changes in government in order to
avoid further splintering our resources.
As legislators, we have a responsibility to develop an
agenda for '83 to help business create more jobs and assist
those who cannot find jobs. Our tourism industry should not
be neglected, nor should our Port be anything but the best.
We must review our rule making authority and remove
unnecessary barriers to business. The adequacy of our
transportation system is important, both to attract business
and enable people to get to work. Finally, our schools must
teach skills that are marketable and retrain those whose
skills are no longer needed. We must look for every
possible way to help the unemployed become independent and
I will ask the committee chairmen and their staff to
meet regularly to coordinate this effort. Even in the most
optimistic crystal balls, there is no doubt that this crisis
will not disappear quickly or easily. There are many
challenges facing this nation and this State and it is
incumbent upon us to search for creative solutions to meet
these challenges.
The ability to work is fundamental to the well-being of
our people. We need the help of labor and business and all
of our best efforts to get beneath the tip of the iceberg
and find employment opportunities for our people.
Let us use this time that remains in our legislative
term to develop such a program.
Read and ordered journalized.
By the Majority Leader:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate: