Aug. 6
August 6, 1982
We have been called into this Extraordinary Session
because on July 31st, almost 10,000 Maryland Citizens
without jobs lost their rights to Extended Benefits. We are
here today to correct an oversight that was not anticipated
when we enacted H.B. 275 this past Session. Clearly, this
General Assembly felt that the current economic recession
justified an extension of unemployment benefits.
We are here to resolve a conflict created by a new
federal law -- a law that once again reveals the
insensitivity of Washington to the plight of people who are
caught in the crunch of a national recession.
As state officials, we cannot legislate national
economic policy. We can do little to reverse the mounting
national deficit. We can do little to improve the highest
national unemployment rate in four decades (9.5%).
What we can do, and should do today, is to try to
assist the thousands of jobless in Maryland so that they and
their families can get through these difficult times. The
only way to correct this situation is the enactment of
legislation by this General Assembly. So let us get down to
business and limit our discussions to the serious problem
for which this special session was called.
Read and ordered journalized.
August 6, 1982
By the Speaker of the House:
RESOLVED, That the Honorable Donald B. Robertson of
Montgomery County be appointed as Majority Floor Leader and
the Honorable Raymond E. Beck of Carroll County be appointed
as Minority Floor Leader.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chairmen of the
Standing Committees within the House of Delegates be:
Appropriations: The Hon. John R. Hargreaves of Middle
Shore District
Constitutional & Administrative Law: The Hon. Helen L.
Koss of Montgomery County