Aug. 6
By Order,
Oden Bowie
Read and adopted.
August 6, 1982
The Honorable James Clark, Jr. and
Members of the Maryland Senate
I know that the people of Maryland join me in
commending you for your prompt and proper response to insure
the continuation of extended benefits to thousands of our
unemployed fellow citizens.
Your action today stands in sharp contrast to the
insensitivity of the Federal government as manifested in the
passage of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981.
Hopefully the President and the Congress will follow your
lead and look with greater compassion at a problem that is
nationwide in scope.
The legislation you enacted today means, simply, that
many Marylanders, unaccustomed to being without work, at
least will have the means to meet their daily living
expenses while searching for jobs. What you have done here
today provides a measure of security, a safety net, if you
will, for those in need of a temporary helping hand.
There are indications coming out of Washington that
what has occurred here in Maryland has made the Congress
truly cognizant of the dire implications that the passage of
the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981 has for our people.
It is my hope that your action today will encourage speedy
passage by both houses of the Congress of legislation
restoring extended benefits at the Federal level by easing
triggering mechanisms and providing for an additional ten to
thirteen weeks of benefits until this present crisis in the
national economy has abated.
It is my hope also that what has happened here will
cause a reassessment of fiscal and monetary policies in
Washington resulting in changes that give the human equation
far greater consideration.
For your responsible resolution to a problem of
immediate and grave consequence to your fellow citizens, I
thank you.