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Session Laws and Journals, 1982, August Special Session
Volume 743, Page 125   View pdf image
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1982                                             SENATE                                                   113 MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES SENATE BILLS PASSED BY YEAS AND NAYS NUMBER SPONSOR                                        CONTENT S.B. 1 The President                    Unemployment Insurance - Emergency (Administrative) Additional Benefits Endorsed as having been read the third time and passed by
yeas and nays in the House of Delegates.
MESSAGE TO THE SENATE By the Majority Leader: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate: We propose with your concurrence, that when the General
Assembly adjourns August 6, 1982, it stand adjourned Sine
Die. We further propose the appointment of a joint
committee, two on the part of the Senate and three on the
part of the House, to wait upon His Excellency, The Governor
of Maryland, and inform him that the General Assembly will
adjourn August 6, 1982, Sine Die, in accordance with the
provisions of the Constitution and to inquire if he has any
further communications to make to the General Assembly. We have appointed on the part of the House, Delegates
Long, Rush, and Lee. By Order, Jacqueline M. Spell
Chief Clerk Read and ordered journalized.
MESSAGE TO THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES BY MAJORITY LEADER: Ladies and Gentlemen of the House of Delegates: We have received your message, proposing appointment of
a joint committee, two on the part of the Senate, and two on
the part of the House, to wait upon His Excellency, the
Governor of Maryland, and inform him that the General
Assembly will adjourn on August 6, 1982, Sine Die, in
accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and to
inquire if he has any further communications to make to the
General Assembly. We concur in your message and have appointed on the
part of the Senate, Senators Schweinhaut and Welcome.

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Session Laws and Journals, 1982, August Special Session
Volume 743, Page 125   View pdf image
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