(ii) Any employee subject to the
jurisdiction of the State Department of Personnel;
(iii) An officer, warrant officer, or
enlisted member of the organized militia;
(iv) An employee or member of a community
college board of trustees;
(v) An employee of a local health
(vi) A key employee of the Maryland Port
Administration as defined in Section 6-204(n) of the
Transportation Article;
(vii) A person performing the services of
a State employee on a voluntary basis; and
(viii) A member of the board of visitors
of the Maryland School for the Deaf;
(ix) An employee or member of a county
board of education as defined in § l-101(d) of the Education
Article; [and]
(x) An employee or member of a soil
conservation district board of supervisors[.]; AND
(xi) Any person who performs emergency
services on behalf of or under a contract with a State or
local governmental agency during a state of emergency
declared under Article 16A of this Code.
(d) Not later than July 1, 1968, the Board of Public
Works, through the Department of Public Improvements, shall
publish the standards of minimum requirements for facilities
for handicapped persons in public buildings; standards to
conform to American Standards Association specification A
117.1-1961 as modified by the Department of Public
Improvements in cooperation with THE Governor's Study Group
on Vocational Rehabilitation. The standards shall not
require facilities for the handicapped in portions of public
buildings which are not open to or used by the general
working force or by the general public. The design of
public buildings by the State and by its political
subdivisions shall be regulated by the provisions of this
subtitle upon and after July 1, 1968.
Article 81 - Revenue and Taxes