shall take effect immediately from the date of its final
passage as an emergency measure in order to provide for the
health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Wicomico
Adopted June 15, 1981.
Bill No. 7
AN ACT to amend Chapter 183 of the Wicomico County
Code, titled "Plumbing" by repealing said Chapter in its
entirety and reenacting it with amendments and additions in
order to revise and adopt rules and regulations affecting
plumbing installations, including alterations, repairs,
replacements and any fittings or appurtenances thereto,
providing for inspections, issuance of permits and licenses,
defining duties and powers of the plumbing official,
proscribing penalties for violations and recreating the
Wicomico County Plumbing Board.
Adopted June 15, 1981.
Bill No. 8
AN ACT to amend Chapter 133 of the Wicomico County Code
titled "Dogs" by making changes and additions to Section
133-9 to allow for the imposition of penalties on dog owners
whose dogs are allowed to run at large contrary to the
provisions of Chapter 133 of the Wicomico County Code where
the animal apprehended is not actually impounded.
Adopted June 15, 1981.
Bill No. 20
AN ACT to amend Chapter 18 of the Wicomico County Code,
titled "Compensation and Allowance Commission" by adding an
additional Section to said Chapter 18, to be designated
Section 18-3, to be titled "Compensation for County Council
Members", to provide for the compensation of members of the
Wicomico County Council.
Adopted October 15, 1981.