permitting the County Council of Wicomico County, "Maryland
to delegate, by written contract, the enforcement and the
administration of the provisions of Chapter 133 and to
designate an organization, association of persons or
municipal corporation as the animal control authority for
Wicomico County.
Adopted February 13, 1981.
Bill No. 4
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County
Code, title "Zoning" by amending Section 225-5B(39), titled
"Uses permitted by special exception", and by enacting
Section 225-5A(28).
Adopted February 13, 1981.
Bill No. 5
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Council of
Wicomico County, Maryland to establish certain licensing
requirements for secondhand precious metal dealers, to
provide definitions, to create license conditions, fees,
application requirements, purchase reporting requirements,
restrictions as to transfer and disposition of certain
purchased precious metal items, to prohibit certain
purchases, and to establish certain criminal and
administrative penalties for violations, pursuant to the
power and authority contained in Wicomico County Code
Chapter 22 and Article 25A Section 5 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Edition).
Adopted February 13, 1981.
Bill No. 6
AN ACT to amend Chapter 86, "Sheriff," of the Wicomico
County Code, by repealing said Chapter 86 and reenacting
said Chapter with amendments, and to enact in lieu of former
Sections 86-5 and 86-6, new Chapter 20, "Department of
Correction", to provide for the Creation, and the
appointment by the Administrative Director of a Director, of
the Department of Correction, to provide for the salary of
the Director, to transfer the County Jail to the Department
of Correction, to provide generally for the powers and
duties of the Director, and further declaring that this Act