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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5429   View pdf image
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public by anyone. However, the [Secretary]
the names of those individuals to a bar
association, on receiving satisfactory assurances
that the Committee or president will not release
or permit the release of the names to the public.
A personal data questionnaire submitted to a
Commission is confidential and may not be
released by anyone other than the applicant,
except that the [Secretary] ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE
OF THE COURTS shall forward to the Governor the
personal data questionnaires of those individuals
actually nominated to the Governor by a

6.   Appointment

(a)  The Governor shall fill a judicial
vacancy by selecting a person from the list
submitted by the appropriate Commission.

(b)  With respect to any judicial vacancy,
the Governor also may fill the most recent
judicial vacancy by selecting a person from
any list previously submitted by the
appropriate Commission for a judicial
vacancy on the same court for which the
current list is submitted if the previous
list was submitted within one calendar year
of the occurrence of the most recent
vacancy and information on the nominees is

7.  Definitions

As used in this Executive Order:

(a)   "Appellate Court" means the Court of
Appeals of Maryland and the Court of
Special Appeals of Maryland.

(b)   "Trial Court" means the District Court
of Maryland, the Circuit Court of a County,
and a court of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City.

8.   Effective Date

This Order is effective [June 8, 1979] APRIL 24,

9.   Applicability


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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5429   View pdf image
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