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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5428   View pdf image
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justice agency, including the Central
Repository, may release criminal history
record information, including conviction
and nonconviction data, to a Commission, on
the request of the Commission Chairman, for
the purpose of evaluating a candidate.

(2)  Not less than nine Commission
members shall be present at a voting

(3)  The Commission shall select and
nominate to the Governor the names of
persons it finds to be legally and
most fully professionally qualified.
No person's name may be submitted
unless he has been found legally and
most fully professionally qualified
by a vote of a majority of the entire
authorized membership of the
Commission, taken by secret ballot
and unless he has been interviewed by
the Commission or a panel thereof.

(d)  The Commission shall report to the
Governor, in writing, the names of the
persons it nominates as legally and most
fully professionally qualified to fill a
vacancy. The names of persons shall be
listed in alphabetical order. The report
shall be submitted within 70 days after
notification by the Commission's
[Secretary] SECRETARIAT that a vacancy
exists or is about to occur. The
Commission shall release its report to the
public concurrently with submission of the
report to the Governor.

(e)  Each Commission shall distribute
informational and educational materials
concerning judicial vacancies and the
functions of the Commission, in order to
inform the public of the Judicial selection
process of the State.

5. Confidentiality

Except for the names of those individuals
actually nominated to the Governor by a
Commission, the names of an individual who
submits a personal data questionnaire to a
Commission is confidential and may not be made


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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5428   View pdf image
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