furnish him lists of the names, addresses, age and such
other information aforesaid as may have been obtained and
registered. The Governor shall thereupon assign, or cause to
be assigned, and, if necessary, reassign or cause to be
reassigned, such persons to occupations as aforesaid,
carried on by the State, the counties or the City of
Baltimore, or to private employers engaged in occupations of
the character above mentioned, and who accept the services
of such persons, for a period which shall not in the case of
any person exceed six continuous months at any one time.
Persons so assigned must in every case be physically able to
perform the work to which they are assigned. As soon as the
proclamation has been issued, as herein provided, it shall
be the duty of the Governor to prepare and publish such
rules and regulations governing the assignment of persons to
work under this subtitle as will assure that all persons
similarly circumstanced shall, as far as it is possible to
do so, be treated alike. In fixing the period of work to
which anyone is assigned, and in determining its nature, the
Governor shall take into consideration the age, physical
condition and any other appropriate circumstances of the
person so assigned. The rules and regulations adopted under
the provisions of this subtitle shall make allowances for
such facts and circumstances. Any such person failing or
refusing to do or to continue to do the work assigned to him
or her, and who, in the meanwhile, has not become regularly
or continuously employed in some business, occupation, trade
or profession, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more
than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or be imprisoned not
more than six months, or be both fined and imprisoned, in
the discretion of the court.
After the issuance of the proclamation hereinbefore
provided for, it shall be the duty of the sheriffs of the
respective counties and of the police department of
Baltimore City, and of any other officer, State, county or
municipal, charged with enforcing the law, to seek and to
continue to seek diligently the names and places of
residence of able-bodied persons within their respective
jurisdictions, between the ages aforesaid, not regularly or
continuously employed as aforesaid, who have failed to
register as aforesaid, and to obtain criminal summonses or
warrants for their arrest from any commissioner of the
District Court. Failure of such persons to register shall
be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine not
exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00). The names of all those
convicted of failing to register, together with all other
information as aforesaid, shall be sent by the District
Court to the clerks of the circuit courts of the counties
[or the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, as
the case may be]. The said clerks shall register as
aforesaid all persons convicted of failing to register, and
report such registrations to the Governor as hereinbefore