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granted to such veteran by this - subtitle, shall have the
right to appeal to the circuit court of the county having
jurisdiction of the governmental unit involved, or to the
[Superior Court of] CIRCUIT COURT FOR Baltimore City if the
State Commissioner of personnel SECRETARY OF PERSONNEL is
involved, [or if the courts of Baltimore City have
jurisdiction of the governmental unit involved,] and in case
more than one court shall have jurisdiction of any
governmental unit, the appeal may be taken to any court
having jurisdiction. Upon appeal, the court, without
intervention of a jury, shall hear the case de novo, and
shall fully determine the rights of the complaining veteran
and pass an appropriate order. From the order of the lower
court in any such case, there shall be an appeal to the
Court of Special Appeals by either the veteran or the State,
or other governmental unit involved.
If any Second World War veteran seeking court relief,
as this section provided, shall apply to the judge of the
lower court having jurisdiction of his appeal, the judge
shall assign counsel to such veteran without cost to him. No
court costs shall be assessed against any veteran seeking
court relief as in this section provided.
Article 100 - Work, Labor and Employment
Whenever, because of the existence of a state of war,
the Governor determines that it is necessary, for the
protection and welfare of the people of the State, that all
able-bodied persons, between the ages hereinafter mentioned,
be employed in occupations carried on by the State, the
counties or the City of Baltimore, or any of their agencies,
or be employed in occupations carried on by private persons,
firms or corporations, whether agricultural, industrial or
otherwise, and which occupations, whether carried on by the
State, the counties, the City of Baltimore, or by private
employers, the Governor finds to be essential for the
protection and welfare of the people of the State and the
United States and also finds that the same cannot be carried
on as the protection and welfare of the people of this State
and the United States require without resort to this
subtitle, then the Governor shall be authorized, by
proclamation, to require every able-bodied person between 18
and 50 years of age, inclusive, within the State, not then
or thereafter regularly or continuously employed or engaged
in any lawful and useful business, occupation, trade or
profession of any kind, to register forthwith his or her
name, address, age and any other information which the
Governor shall require, with the clerk of the circuit court
of the county in which such person may be, [or with the
clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, if such
person be in Baltimore City]. It shall be the duty of said
clerk, from time to time, upon request of the Governor, to