direction east of, parallel to and 200 feet distant from the
east line of the Old Baltimore Pike to the intersection with
the southeasterly extension of the eleventh or south 4° 29'
20" east, 441.40 foot line of parcel 1 of a deed from
William R. Russell, unmarried, to the Washington Brick
Company, dated March 23, 1938, and recorded among the land
records of Prince George's County, Maryland, in liber 497 at
folio 311, thence reversely with and along the eleventh deed
line to the southeast right of way line of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad, thence in a generally southwesterly direction
with and along the southeast right of way line of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to a point 200 feet north of and
at right angles to the north line of the Muirkirk Road,
thence in a generally westerly direction, north of, parallel
to and 200 feet distant from the north line of the Muirkirk
Road to a point 200 feet west of and at right angles to the
west line of the Virginia Manor Road, thence in a generally
southwesterly direction, west and north of, parallel to and
200 feet distant from the west and north line of the
Virginia Manor Road to its intersection with the Ammendale
Road, thence in a generally southwesterly direction, north
of, parallel to and 200 feet distant from the north line of
the Ammendale Road to intersect the existing Washington
Suburban Sanitary District boundary, thence in a generally
southeasterly direction with and along the existing
Washington Suburban Sanitary District boundary to the point
of beginning to complete a closed area.
(b) The jurisdiction of the Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission is hereby extended to include the area
above described and the area shall be subject to all the
rules and regulations of the commission and all provisions
of law relating to the district including taxes, benefit
assessments and other sums or charges levied by the
commission in other parts of the district.
(a) The area herein described is hereby added to the
Washington Suburban Sanitary District created by chapter 122
of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1918: All that area
in Montgomery County lying within the following boundaries:
Beginning for the same at the intersection of the existing
Washington Suburban Sanitary District boundary line, 200
feet north of Halpine Road, and the easterly property line
of Twin-Brook, Inc., and running thence along the easterly
line and the line of R. L. McKeever property in a northerly
direction, with and along the boundary of the City of
Rockville, to the center of the Viers Mill Road, thence
still on an extension of the line between Twin-Brook, Inc.,
and R. L. McKeever property to intersect a line 250 feet
distant from and parallel to the centerline of Viers Mill
Road (this point being on the property of the heirs of John
Merritt, now Bullis School property), thence in a
northwesterly direction and 250 feet distant from and