nominees for the board for each member then to be elected,
the board of supervisors of elections shall certify the
candidates as duly nominated candidates for election for the
respective Board of Education offices. These names and the
name of the position for which they are candidates shall be
omitted from the ballot required by paragraph (3) of this
(3) If after the expiration of the time allowed
for the filing of petitions, there are more than two
nominees for each member of the board then to be elected,
the board of supervisors of elections shall provide the
means for all duly registered voters of Kent County,
irrespective of party affiliation, to vote for the nominees
for the board at a primary election. This primary election
shall be held at the time and place for holding the primary
elections of the political parties. In taking the ballot,
voting machines shall be used. However, if the number of
candidates submitted for vote at the primary elections is
too large for the practical use of voting machines, the
board of supervisors of elections may supply paper ballots
in the usual form for use in voting for such offices. The
nominees in the primary election, equal to twice the number
of members to be elected to the board, who receive the
largest number of votes are duly nominated candidates for
election to the board offices. The board of canvassers for
Kent County, upon the completion of its canvass of voters at
the primary election, shall determine who are the duly
nominated candidates for election to the respective board
offices under the provisions of this section and shall
certify them to the board of supervisors of elections of
Kent County. Any person who has qualified as a candidate
for nomination to the county board, and who is required to
run in a primary election, may on or before 65 days
preceding the primary election, in a writing signed by him
and acknowledged before an officer duly authorized to take
acknowledgments under the laws of Maryland, notify the board
of supervisors of elections of Kent County that he desires
to withdraw as a candidate for the nomination. The petition
of candidacy of any candidate so withdrawing shall be void
and the name of that candidate may not be placed on the
ballot for that primary election. If the withdrawal of any
candidate reduces the nominees to less than twice the number
of members to be elected to the board, the board of
supervisors of elections shall certify the remaining
candidates as provided by paragraph (2) of this subsection.
No person may, who is subject to the authority of the board,
be certified as a candidate.
(b) (1) Nominees and candidates for membership on the
board shall limit their campaign expenditures from all
sources to a sum equal to 5 cents times the number of
registered voters in Kent County on January 1 next preceding
the primary or general election.