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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 955   View pdf image
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and Taxation and certified
to the Secretary of Health
and Mental Hygiene. An
estimated budget for minimum
health services shall be
calculated             for           each

political subdivision. Each
subdivision's share of its
own minimum budget shall be
that percentage of half the
total         estimated minimum

budget of all subdivisions
which that subdivision's
total estimated real and
personal property valuations
bear to the total estimated
real and personal property
valuations               of             all

subdivisions.                        Each

political subdivisions

share of the funds available
to the State Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene is
the difference between the
total estimated budget for
that subdivision and that
subdivision's appropriation;
however, no subdivision

shall pay more than 80% of
its minimum budget nor less
than 20%. The Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene
shall be responsible for
acting on plans and budgets
for all health services in
each subdivision and shall
expend the same proportion
of the State's share for
State approved programs that
actual         expenditures, as

established             to             the

satisfaction of the

Secretary of Health and
Rental Hygiene, made by that
subdivision         for general

health services bears to
that subdivision's share of
the State approved program,
provided that all such
expenditures do not exceed
the total amounts available
under the appropriations
herein set forth. If any
subdivision appropriates and
expends more than is

provided herein as its share
of its estimated budget for



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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 955   View pdf image
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