WHEREAS, the County Council of Wicomico County finds it
advisable to amend the Electrical Standards Chapter of the
Wicomico County Code, to define certain terms used, to
correct the provisions relating to the makeup of the
Wicomico County Board of Electrical Examiners, to reduce the
compensation and expenses provisions for the members of said
board, to limit the number of years a member may serve as
president of the board, to add certain provisions relating
to master electricians, provide for the shelving of an
electrician's license and to provide for a temporary
certificate of registration upon dissolution of a
partnership, firm or corporation.
Approved October 14, 1980.
Bill 32
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County
Code, titled "Zoning", Section 90, titled "Outdoor
Advertising Structures" by repealing said Section 90 and
reenacting said Section with amendments:
WHEREAS, the County Council for Wicomico County has
considered the recommendations of the Wicomico County
Planning and Zoning Commission relative to the placement of
outdoor advertising structures, and has held a public
hearing relative to the need for regulation of such outdoor
advertising structures, and after having given serious and
extensive consideration to the problem involved and the
recommendations made, the said County Council now deems it
advisable to amend the aforesaid Section of Chapter 225 of
the Wicomico County Code for the purpose of eliminating
conflict with state laws relative to the placement of
outdoor advertising structures and for the convenience and
benefit of the citizens of Wicomico County.
Approved October 14, 1980.
Bill 33
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County
Code, titled "Zoning", Article XXI, titled Nonconforming
uses. Subsection 102, titled "Applicable provisions" by
repealing and reenacting with amendments and additions
Subsection C thereof, providing for the right to expand
nonconforming residential uses, to read as follows.
Approved October 14, 1980.