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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 3684   View pdf image
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on Workmen's Compensation Coverage, and the
Governor's Commission to Review Laws
Governing the Workmen's Compensation Laws
and determine the extent to which those
recommendations should be implemented;

(b)  Hold hearings at which persons with an
interest in workmen's compensation laws may
present their views;

(c)  Conduct such meetings, research
projects, investigations and discussions as
may be necessary to gather information
relating to workmen's compensation laws in
Maryland and in other states;

(d)  Establish subcommittees, if necessary,
to aid in the gathering and analysis of
that information; and

(e)  To the extent funds are made available
in the State budget, employ a support staff
necessary to carry out its functions.

5. The Commission shall consider the following

(a)  The extent to which the present
organization for the implementation of the
workmen's compensation laws is adequate,
including, but not limited to, the adequacy
of the administrative organization of the
Workmen's Compensation Commission and the
organizational relationships between the
Workmen's Compensation Commission and the
Subsequent Injury Fund, the Uninsured
Employers' Fund, and the State Accident

(b)  The relationship between social
security benefits and workmen's
compensation awards;

(c)  The feasibility of alternative methods
of providing compensation for covered
claims, including, but not limited to,
compensation based on loss of future

(d)  The implementation of self-insurance
pools for private and governmental

(e)  The effectiveness of the existing


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 3684   View pdf image
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