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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 2891   View pdf image
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(2) Any sum which a utility has been ordered to
refund and which was received for utility services rendered
in the State, together with any interest on it, less any
lawful deduction, that has remained unclaimed by the person
appearing on the records of the utility as entitled to it
for more than [seven] 5 years after the date it became
payable in accordance with the final determination or order
providing for the refund; and"

{3) Any sum paid to a utility for a utility
service, which service has not been rendered within [seven]
5 years of the payment.


Any stock or other certificate of ownership, or any
dividend, profit, distribution, interest, payment on
principal, or other sum held or owing by a business
association for or to a shareholder, certificate holder,
member, bondholder or other security holder, or
participating patron of a cooperative, who has not claimed
it or corresponded in writing with the business association
concerning it within [seven] 5 years after the date
prescribed for payment or delivery, is presumed abandoned

(1)  It is held or owing by a business
association organized under the laws of or created in the
State; or

(2)  It is held or owing by a business
association doing business in the State but not organized
under the laws of or created in the State, and the records
of the business association indicate that the last known
address of the person entitled to it is in the State; or

(3)  It is held or owing by a business
association not doing business in the State and not
organized under the laws of or created in the State, but the
records of the business association indicate that the last
known address of the person entitled to it is in the State.


All intangible personal property and any income or
increment on it, held in a fiduciary capacity for the
benefit of another person, is presumed abandoned unless,
within [seven] 5 years after it becomes payable or
distributable, the owner has increased or decreased the
principal, accepted payment of principal or income,
corresponded in writing concerning the property, or
otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced by a memorandum
on file with the fiduciary, if the property is held by:

(1) A banking organization or financial


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 2891   View pdf image
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