[seven] 5 years after the money becomes due and payable, as
established from the records of the corporation under any
life or endowment insurance policy or annuity contract which
has matured or terminated. A life insurance policy not
matured by actual proof of the death of the insured is
considered to be matured and its proceeds are considered due
and payable if the policy was in force when the insured
attained the limiting age under the mortality table on which
the reserve is based, unless, within the preceding [seven] 5
years, the person entitled to the proceeds has:
(i) Assigned, readjusted, or paid premiums
on the policy, or subjected the policy to loan; or
(ii) Corresponded in writing with the life
insurance corporation concerning the policy.
(b) (1) Unclaimed funds, as defined in paragraph (2)
of this subsection, held and owing by a fire, casualty, or
surety insurance corporation, shall be presumed abandoned if
the last known address of the person entitled to the funds,
according to the records of the corporation, is in the
State. If a person other than the insured, the principal, or
the claimant is entitled to the funds and the address of the
person is not known to the corporation or if it is not
definite and certain from the records of the corporation
which person is entitled to the funds, it is presumed that
the last known address of the person entitled to the funds
is the same as the last known address of the insured, the
principal, or the claimant according to the records of the
(2) "Unclaimed funds," as used in this
subsection, means all money held and owing by any fire,
casualty, or surety insurance corporation unclaimed and
unpaid for more than [seven] 5 years after the money becomes
due and payable, as established from the records of the
corporation, either to an insured, a principal, or a
claimant under any fire, casualty, or surety insurance
policy or contract.
(c) Money otherwise payable according to the records
of the corporation is considered due and payable although
the policy or contract has not been surrendered as required.
The following funds held or owing by any utility are
presumed abandoned:
(1) Any deposit made by a subscriber with a
utility to secure payment for, or any sum paid in advance
for, utility services to be furnished in the State, less any
lawful deduction, that has remained unclaimed by the person
who appears on the records of the utility as entitled to it
for more than [seven] 5 years after the termination of the
services for which the deposit or advance payment was made;