this project. No part of the applicant's matching fund may
be provided from State funds either directly or indirectly.
No part of the fund may consist of real property, or in-kind
contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date
of this Act. In case of any dispute as to what money or
assets may qualify as matching funds, the Board of Public
Works shall determine the matter, and the Board's decision
is final. The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore have
until June 1, 1983 to present evidence satisfactory to the
Board of Public Works that the matching fund will be
provided. If satisfactory evidence is presented, the Board
shall certify this fact to the State Treasurer, and the
proceeds of the loan shall expended for the purposes
provided m this Act. If this evidence is not presented by
June 1, 1983 the proceeds of the loan shall be transferred
to the Annuity Bond Fund and applied to the debt service
requirements of the State.
shall take effect June 1, 1981.
Approved May 19, 1981.
(House Bill 1005)
AN ACT concerning
State Use Industries
FOR the purpose of repealing existing provisions pertaining
to the State Use Industries; enacting new provisions
pertaining to work related training of inmates;
providing for the establishment of industries and
programs to train inmates; establishing a State Use
Industries and a State Use Industries Advisory
Committee; specifying the duties and authority of the
State Use Industries and the Advisory Committee;
imposing certain duties and responsibilities on certain
State officials; specifying that the goods and services
to be provided by the State Use Industries shall be
those needed and used by certain government agencies;
providing for the establishment of vocational training
program linkages; providing for the establishment of
the rate of compensation for inmate labor and the
disposition of this compensation; requiring State and
local government agencies purchase certain goods and
services from the State Use Industries under certain
circumstances; providing that, notwithstanding a
provision of Chapter 775 of the Acts of 1980, certain
provisions relating to State Use Industries are not to
be transferred to the Procurement Code; imposing