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persons who practice these health occupations;
revising, restating, and recodifying the laws relating
and pertaining to the regulatory boards for these
health occupations; relating to the appointment,
qualifications, oaths, compensation, tenure, and
removal of members of the boards; relating to quorum
requirements, meetings, powers, duties, and other
administrative provisions for the boards; changing the
names of the boards; relating to the scope of practice
within these health occupations and exemptions for
practicing these health occupations under certain
circumstances; relating to the qualifications and
examinations of applicants for licenses,
certifications, and permits; relating to the issuance,
scope, term, renewal, reinstatement, and display of
licenses, permits, and certifications; relating to
denial of applications, disciplinary procedures, and
appeals; with respect to these and related matters,
generally providing for definitions, exemptions,
procedures, rights and remedies, prohibitions, and
civil and criminal penalties, and for the supervisory
and regulatory authority of the boards; adding or
revising short titles for each of the laws concerning
these health occupations; generally relating to the
powers and duties of the boards and to all other
matters relating to these health occupations; repealing
inconsistent and obsolete laws relating to these health
occupations; correcting outdated references to material
included in this Act; conforming certain terminology to
that in the Health Occupations Article; correcting
certain incorrect references; making stylistic changes;
providing for the continuity of the boards and their
members; providing for the effect of this Act on any
change in nomenclature; providing for the continuation
and renewal of certain licenses, registrations,
permits, and certifications under the provisions of
this Act; and providing for the effect, construction,
and effective date of the provisions of this Act.
BY repealing
Article 43 - Health
Section 406A(a) through (h), inclusive, (j), and (k)
and 427B
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1980 Replacement Volume and 1980 Supplement)
BY repealing
Article - Natural Resources
Section 8-607 through 8-614, inclusive
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1974 Volume and 1980 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,