Peregrine Brown |
| |
This being an Accon of Trespass upon the case The Sherf. |
at |
| |
upon the first Caps. ad Respondenm. Returned a non est Inventus |
Jeremh. Smith |
| |
Whereupon an Second writ of Caps. Issued according To act |
of Assembly in order for Attachment Which Said Second |
Writ of Caps. ad Respondendm The Sherf of Kent County likewise returned endorsed
Non est Inventus, Whereupon Comes The Said Peregrine Brown by Richard
Macklin his attorney and prays that an Attachment May unto him be
ye. sd deft
granted for the debt and cost wherewith the ^ Stands charged, Which was pr Court
According to Law granted returnable to next Court ~~ to be held at Chester river
on the fourth Tuesday of March next
Charles Marshall & Uxr. |
| |
This being an Accon of Debt for two thousand Six hundred |
at |
| |
and Sixty Two pounds of Tobacco And The Sherf of Kent |
Edmund Mackdaniel |
| |
County having returned Two Writts of Caps. Ad Respondendm |
Endorsed Non est Inventus. The Said Charles Marshall by |
Richard Macklin his Attorney Comes into Court And Prays An Attach:
=mt. May unto him be granted for the debt and Costs wherewith he
Stands Charged, Whereupon the It was Considered by the Court here this
twenty Seventh day of Janry Anno Domi 1701 That An Attachmt. be
granted unto him according to Law rete to next Cort to be held at
Chester river the fourth Tuesday of March next ~~~
The Same |
| |
The plaintf. having two Caps. returned Endorsed Non est Inventus |
at |
| |
agt. the Deft., he pray’d An Attachmt. for debt &ca. which was |
Richard Jerom |
| |
granted unto him rete. to next Court, he giving Securety according |
to Law |
Katherine Winchester |
| |
This being An Accon of Trespass upon ye Case the Sherf. made |
at |
| |
retn. of the writ thereunto Cepi whereupon the plf by his Attry requires |
Jonathan Newton |
| |
baile to the accon for want of which ye. defendt. is Committed into |
Custody of the Sherf. untill &ca~ Whereupon this cause is contd. |
untill next Court |
Edward Stephenson |
| |
This being an accon of Debt for 773lb tobo. and two Caps ad |
at |
| |
Respm. having been retd. Endorsed Non est invent. agt. the deft. |
Edwd. Rush |
| |
The plf by Richd. Macklin his Attry prays an Attachmt. for ye. |
debt &ca. which ^is granted him rete. to next Court he giving Securety |
according to Law ~~ |
James and Hercules Coules |
| |
This being An Accon of Debt for 16£:15s:7½d ye. plaintf. |
at |
| |
by Richard Macklin his Attry requires Baile to ye. Said |
Daniel Smith |
| |
Accon Whereupon Comes into Court Michael Earle |
and undertakes for the Said Daniel Smith that in case |
The Said Daniel be Cast in ye. accon afd & the Said James and Hercules
recover Judgt. Agt. him that then he the Sd Daniel Shall pay the cond:
emnation thereof or render his body to the Sherf of Kent County or
he the Said Michael will do it for him ~ Whereupon the Sd Danll
by Michael Earle his Attry prayes an Imparlance untill next Court & ‘tis granted