Thomas Joce |
| The Said pltf Comeñced his accõn at ye Said Defendt. in a plea |
agt |
| of trespass upon the Case and when ye Daÿ of ye retn of ye writt |
George ffaxon |
| Came ye Sherf of Kent Countÿ made retn hereof Endorsed |
Cepi Corpus pr me John Hawkins Sherff whereupon ye Sd |
Deft appring ye Sd pltf bÿ Michael Earle and xpher Phill |
ipson his attrys praÿs baile to Sd accõn which being bÿ ye |
Court heard It is bÿ ye Justices here Considered yt ye Sd Deft Doe procure baile
according to act of assemblÿ, Thereupon Comes into Court Henerÿ Green and
Chars Grandage and assumes to be baile for ye Sd Deft according to act of
assemblÿ: upon which ye Sd Deft (in his propr person) praÿs leave to Imprle
thereunto untill next Court and he hath it ye Same Daÿ is Given ye pltf allsoe
| |
Robert Smith Esqr |
| The Same |
| These two accõns being two accõns of trespass of |
at |
| at |
| a plea to hold Covenant Comeñced bÿ ye Sd pltf agt |
Patrick Creagh |
| The Same |
| the Said Deft The Sherf makes retn of two ~ |
| Severall writts Endorsed Severallÿ Cepi Corpus pr |
me John Hawkins Sherff |
Butt for as much ye Sd Sherf produceth not ye bodÿ to this Court according
to his prcept and retn thereof ye Sd Sherf is amerced according to Law ~
GLumleÿ Exr. of ffreÿ |
| |
agt |
| The Said pltf Cõmenced his accõn agt ye Sd Deft in a plea of trespass upon |
Thomas Taÿlor |
| the Case, and ye Sherf of Kent Countÿ makes retn of ye writt thereof |
| Endorsed Cepi Coprs pr me John Hawkins Sherf, but for as much as he |
produceth not ye bodÿ to ye Justices here according to his prcept and retn |
thereof he |the Sd Sherf ) is thereupon amerced according to Law: |
fflower Wallker |
| |
at |
| The Sd pltf Cõmenced his accõn agt ye Sd Deft of a plea yt he render |
Robert Willkinson |
| unto him ye Sume of two thousand Seaven hundred and Sixteen pounds |
of good &ca Tobacco and ye Sherf of Kent Countÿ makes retn of ye |
writt thereof Endorsed Cepi Corpus pr me John Hawkins Sherf |
Whereupon ye Sd Deft appears to this Court, And ye Sd pltf bÿ Michael Earle
and Benjn Pecke his Attrÿs praÿs this Court yt theÿ have Especiall Baile ~
Granted unto thim for ye Sd accõn, which is |bÿ ye Court Granted, Comes into Court
Mr John Sallter and assumes to be Especiall Baile, for Sd Deft in Sd accõn-
according to Law Thereupon ye Sd Deft bÿ Christopher Phillipson his Attrÿ praÿs
leave to Imprle hereunto untill next Court, and he hath it ye Same Daÿ is
is Given ye pltf allsoe
| |
John Reed |
| Her majestÿes writt of Attmt haveing Issued att ye Suite of ye pltf at ye |
agt |
| Deft in these fallowing vizt |
William West |
| |
Anne &ca To ye Sherf of Kent Countÿ Greetting wee Comãnd yt yw. Attach anÿ ye Goods Chattells and
Creditts of William West if theÿ Shall be found in yor Bailewicke to ye vallue of ~
Seaven hundred pounds two thousand pounds of tobo and when yw have ye Same Soe
Attached or anÿ part thereof ye Same in yor Custodÿ keep Soe yt yw. ye Same before
the Same Justices our Countÿ Court to be held att ye Court house on Chester River
on ye fourth Tuesdaÿ in Novbr. next to Satisfeÿ unto John Reed as well ye Sume
of Seaven hundred pounds of tobacco a Certaine Debt obtained agt him in
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