Volume 740, Page 434 View pdf image |
And The manãgmt. Thereof and Did paÿ and Satisfie unto ye Sd Deft ye Sume of five Shillings Sterg to bind ye afsd bargaine and Contract as pt of ye reward and hire of ye afsd Deft &ca yett nevertheless The Sd Deft his faire == promisses and assumption before made not minding nor in anÿ manr regarding but Shifting & Deceitefullÿ Contriveing him ye Sd pltf of ye afsd Service to ~ Defraud from ye Service of ye afsd pltf, he did Depart wthout ye Consent or Lÿcence of ye Sd pltf before ye tearm afsd Did Expire and althoh ye Sd pltf required him ye Said Deft to return againe to his Said Service accõding to ye bargaine and Contract afsd he ye Sd Deft Denÿed and refused and Still Doth Denÿ and refuse to Doe ye Same to ye Damãge of him ye Sd pltf 4000 upon he brings this Suit Earle pr qr: Pledges &ca John Doe Richd Roe And ye Sd Deft bÿ Benjn Beike his Attrÿ comes and Defends ye force and Injurÿ when &ca and praÿed leave to Imprle thereunto untill next Court, which was Granted unto him, The Same Daÿ was Given the pltf allsoe Att as well ye Sd pltf bÿ his attrÿ afsd as ye Sd Deft bÿ his Sd Attrÿ who further Defends ye force and Injurÿ vizt
Issue Joÿned Thereupon Comãnd is Given to ye Sherf of Kent Countÿ yt he Imediatelÿ Cause to Come here twelve &ca bÿ whome &ca who neither &ca to recognize because as well &ca And ye Sd Sherf Saÿeth yt he hath here readÿ == twelve &ca as bÿ his Sd prcept he was Comãnded To witt William Sigleÿ Nattll. Cleave Thomas Godwin Edwd. Godwin Edwd Mahane Henrÿ Jackson Nicholas Marseÿ Thomas Hÿnds John Loÿd John Merridith Thomas Rooth George heartshorne – who being Elected trÿed and Sworne to Saÿ ye truth in ye prmisses Doe Saÿ upon their oath we of ye Jurÿ find for ye Deft in Damãges fiftÿ pounds of tobacco & Cost of Suit Therefore It is Considered here bÿ ye Justices ye Daÿ & year abovesd yt as to ye writt afsd yt ye Sd Deft Goe thereof wthout, and yt ye Sd Deft recover at ye Sd pltf as was ye Sume of fiftÿ pounds of tobo ye Damãges ascessed as afsd as ye Sume of four hundred ninetÿ & nine pounds of tobo Cost of Suit
Geo: Lumleÿ Clk |
Volume 740, Page 434 View pdf image |
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