Volume 740, Page 389 View pdf image |
1703 ye fear of god before her Ees not haveing but being lead bÿ the Jurisdiction of ye Devill Did Cõmitt ye wicked and haÿneous Sine of adull= =terÿ wth Thomas Lewis of ye Same Countÿ to ye great Scandall of Christian Religion & Contrarÿ to ye laws in Such Cases Made & provided. Wittnesses Earle pr Dña Regina Robt Dunn &ca Which bill was Endorsed on ye back Side billa vera Wm. Comegÿs foremn and vene fa: haveing Issued ye Sd Elizth appears, and Submitts to ye Court, It is therefore Considered here bÿ ye Court yt ye Sd Elizth be fin’d to her Sd majestie in ye Sume of twentÿ Shillings as allsoe to ffees accrewing to ye officers of his Court ye Sd Roberts is bd pr recõg
Creek hundred in Kent Countÿ within Lords Daÿ Did prphane bÿ Lewed, wicket & obscene behaviour to ye Scand= :all of Christian Religion agt ye peace of our Sd Ladÿ ye Queen and agt ye form of ye act of assemblÿ in yt Case made & provided Which Sd bill was Endorsed wth these words on ye back Side billa vera John Davis foreman, and a vene fa: haveing Issued at ye Sd Thomas, he now appears & Submitts to ye Court, and is thereupon fined, which he paÿs to Mr: King and ye Sd King assumes to paÿ
Volume 740, Page 389 View pdf image |
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