Volume 740, Page 334 View pdf image |
and therefore Confesseth Judgt in his Sd Capacitie when assetts : Which being bÿ ye Court heard, It is bÿ them Considered that one Sd Thomas Lawrence Barrot. pltf recover agt ye Sd Exr: in his Sd Capacitie, as well ye Sume of twelve thousand pounds of tobo ye Debt afsd as ye Sume of tobo that ye Lawe alloweth in Such Cases
falloweth Kent Ss) William North of Kent Countÿ plantr Stands attached to answer unto Natthaniel Hÿnson of a plea of trespass upon ye Case, as appears more att large bÿ a Declan and an acct thereunto annexed, both filed in this Court in Due form, ye Sd acct amounting in ye whole to ye Sume of nineteen pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence Current moneÿ and one thousand Seaven hundred twentÿ & one pounds of tobacco as pr acct &ca To which Sd accõn ye Sd Deft Comes into Court in his prper person and Saÿeth that he Can not Gaine Saÿ ye pltf in his Sd accõn Soe as afsd brought, nor but yt he is Justlÿ Indebted unto ye Sd plantf in ye Severall Sums afsd, and is therefore willing yt Judgt be Intred at him for ye Same Which being bÿ ye Court heard It is bÿ them Considered here this 28th Daÿ of March anno Dñi: 1704 That ye Sd Nathaniell Hÿnson pltf recover agt ye Sd William North Deft as well ye Sume of nineteen pounds thirteen Shills & four pence Current moneÿ and one thousand Seaven hundred and one ye Debt afsd as ye Sume of two hundred twentÿ & Nine [?] pounds of Cost of Suit & ye Deft in mercÿ &ca
And ye Sd Deft Comes in his pr prson in to Court & Saÿeth yt he is Justlÿ Indebted to ye Sd pltf in ye Sume afsd and is therefore willing yt Judgt &ca Which being bÿ ye Court heard it is bÿ ye Justices Considered yt ye Sd pltf recover agt ye Sd Deft as well ye Sume of one pound Sixteen ~ Shillings ye Debt afsd as ye Sume One [?] pounds of tobacco Cost of Suit and ye Sd Defendant in mercÿ &ca |
Volume 740, Page 334 View pdf image |
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