Volume 740, Page 308 View pdf image |
William Hollinsworth Dr: 8br ye 15th (1701
majesties Justices of ye peace for ye Countÿ of Tallbott John Cramer & made oath upon ye holÿ Evangelist yt ye above acct is Just & true Ro: Ungle Mr:S Ward And now the twentÿ Eight Daÿ of Bonwick his attrÿ & praÿs leafe to Imprle hereunto untill next Court & he hath the Same Daÿ is given the pltf allsoe att wch Sd next Court this accõn was Conti= nued untill Next, att wch Sd next Court to witt this 25th Daÿ Jarÿ 1703 comes ye Sd Deft bÿ his afsd attrÿ & Defends ye force & Injurÿ and Saÿeth
Jugdmt. & his Damãges to be adjudged &ca Bonwick pr Defte Reasons in Demrr The pltf in his Declan Complaineth yt whereas ye Sd pltf ye 20th Daÿ of March ano Dni 1703 and att Divers Daÿs & times afterwards untill ye 11th daÿ of 8ber ano Dñi 1701 &ca att ye Speciall Intance & request of ye Sd Deft & for ye prpuse & behooffe of ye Sd Deft Should Delivr to ye Deft Sundrÿ goods warres & merchantdizes but Does not in anÿ pt of his Declan Saÿ yt he Either had or Did Deliver ye Sd goods warres & merchantdizes wch is Soe great uncertainetÿ to wch noe answer can be made noe Court give Judgt upon nor be taken for what Should be Done maÿ never have been Done & for ye reasons afsd ye Pltf afsd praÿs Judgt as Afsd Bonwick : And now here this Daÿ to witt ye 25th Daÿ of Jarÿ afsd The pleadings and allegations on both Side being bÿ ye Court heard & fullÿ understood It is bÿ ye Justices here Considered yt ye Sd pltf recover agt ye Sd Deft as well ye Sume of Six hundred pounds of tobacco ye Debt in ye Declan mentioned as ye Sume of two hundred fourtÿ and Seaven pounds of tobo & the Deft in mercÿ &ca |
Volume 740, Page 308 View pdf image |
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