Volume 740, Page 227 View pdf image |
August Court (1704) As for the Same he Should reasonablÿ Deserve and the afsd Charles in fact Saÿeth that for the afsd Services Done Goods Sold & Delivered and ~ accõmodations Lodging and tendence he Doth reasonably Deserve to have ye Sume of one thousand one hundred and frty five pounds of Tobacco~ as bÿ an acct to this Declan añexed and here in Court brought, the Same maÿ appear yett nevertheless the aforesd John his afsd prmiss & Assumption not minding and fraudulentlÿ Intending him the Said Charles in yt behalfe Craftilÿ to Deceive and Defraud the aforesaid Sume of 1145 according to his aforesd promiss and assumption unto the Said Charles alltho’ often required hath not paid but the Same to paÿ ((both) and Still Doth ~ Denÿ and refuse to the Damãge of Said Charles 2280 he brings this Suite ~~ Maklin pr qr Pledges &ca Jon D: R R
1702 Comes the Said Defendt bÿ Edward Bonwick his attrÿ and Defends the force and Injurÿ when &ca: and prys leave to Imprle thereunto untill next Court and he hath it Granted him, the Same Same Daÿ is Given the pltf allsoe Att which Said next Court to witt the twentÿ Sixth Daÿ of Jarÿ anno Dñi 1703/2 Comes The Said pltf and the Said Defdt & appeared to the Court & Thereupon this Cause was Continued untill next Court, and Soe Continued from Court to Court untill this prsent Court to witt the twentÿ fourth Daÿ of August anno Dñi 1703 Comes | as well ) the Said pltf bÿ his Sd Attrÿ, as the Said Defendt bÿ his Said Attrÿ who further Defends the force & Injurÿ when &ca: and for plea Saÿeth: non assumpsit modô Et formâ pr patriam And the pltf in Like manr ~~ ~~ ~ Bonwick pr Defde ~~ ~ ~ ~ Thereupon Comãnd was Given to the Sherf of Kent Countÿ that he Imm: Cause to Come here twelve &ca bÿ whome &ca. to recognize &ca~ because as well &ca~ who makes retn of his Said prcept, that he has here (readÿ twelve &ca as bÿ his Said precept he was Comanded to witt, John Davis, John ffannen, Thoms: Godeen Allexr: Graves Darbÿ Hearn, James Wattson ~~ John Hughes, Arthur Miller: William Worrell, Phillp Jackson Richard Mason William Crowe |
Volume 740, Page 227 View pdf image |
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