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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3842   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of
Brentwood, Maryland desire to revise and improve the TOWN
CHARTER and the Town of Brentwood; and

WHEREAS, the Town Auditor, Daniel C. Callow, C.P.A.,
has suggested that the Town's Charter's Section 602.0,
BUDGET, be expanded to specifically include and supercede
Section Number 1002.0, FIRE DEPARTMENT; and

WHEREAS, Section Number 1002.0, FIRE DEPARTMENT would
be deleted in its entirety; and

WHEREAS, this Amendment would relieve duplication and
improve the efficiency of the tax revenue implementation and
collection procedure; and

WHEREAS, Section Number 602.0, BUDGET, would be
expanded by the following terms, which should be placed
after the second sentence in the paragraph:

"THERE shall be included in the Budget an appropriation
for the Brentwood Volunteer Fire Department in an
amount not to exceed Ten Cents (10¢) per One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of all taxable
real and personal property in the Town, said
appropriation to be used exclusively for the
maintenance, equipment and operation of the Brentwood
Volunteer Fire Department." and

WHEREAS, the revision is being done pursuant to the
authority of the Constitution of Maryland, Article XI-E §3;
The Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 as amended), Article
23A, § 11, 12 and 13; and

WHEREAS, copies of the proposed Charter Amendment and
the existing Charter have been made available to the
citizens of the Town of Brentwood, and announcements have
been made in newspapers and at Town Council meetings
concerning the proposed changes and the public hearing held
December 4, 1978, in Brentwood, Maryland; and

WHEREAS, there was no public objection to the adoption
of the Proposed Charter Amendment.

[Section 602 of the Charter of Brentwood, generally
found in the Code of Public Local Laws of Prince George's
County, as found in the 1963 Edition and 1967 Supplement,
repealed and reenacted, with amendments; and Section 1002

Effective Date January 27, 1979]

(Frederick County)


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3842   View pdf image
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