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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3557   View pdf image
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Department OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE may require a
prospective holder of certificate to:

(1)  Report periodically, on a form prescribed by
the Department OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE, on the source,
disposal destination, volume, and nature of the designated
hazardous substance transported;

(2)  Secure a bond for the purpose of
indemnifying the State for abatement of pollution resulting
from the improper transportation of designated hazardous
substances; and

(3)  Pay a yearly fee for certification not to
exceed $50.00.

(m) Label and manifest by producer of designated
hazardous substance to be transported to facility. — Every
person who produces a designated hazardous substance that is
transported away from the place of generation to a facility,

(1)  Attach a label approved by the Department OF
HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE to any designated hazardous
substance container, except as may be in conflict with other
State and federal law; and

(2)  Provide a manifest to a certified designated
hazardous substance hauler for any vehicle he uses to
transport the substance, that describes the volume and
chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the

(n) Condemnation of land or facility used for disposal
of designated hazardous substances. — The Department OF
HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE, pursuant to the applicable
provisions of the Real Property Article, may condemn any
land or facility used for disposal of designated hazardous
substances if it determines that:

(1)  The condemnation is necessary to provide for
proper perpetual care and monitoring of the facility; or

(2)  Future disturbance of the land poses a
substantial threat to the natural resources of the State; or

(3)  The facility poses a substantial threat to
the public health [as determined by the Secretary of Health
and Mental Hygiene].

(o) [Authority] OTHER AUTHORITY [of other State
departments and agencies] not affected. -- Nothing in this
section is intended to preempt [the] OTHER authority
conferred by statute upon the Departments of Health and


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3557   View pdf image
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