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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3556   View pdf image
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(1)  Report periodically on the volume and
chemical, physical, and biological nature of material
received and discharged by the facility;

(2)  Provide evidence of financial ability to
properly operate a facility;

(3)  Restore, to the extent reasonably
practicable, the facility site to its original condition
when use of the area for designated hazardous substances
disposal is terminated;

(4)  Establish emergency procedures and
safeguards necessary to prevent accidents and reasonable
foreseeable damage to humans and the environment;

(5)  Design, construct, and operate the facility
in the manner approved by the Department;

(6)  Provide access to the facility at any
reasonable time for the purpose of obtaining water samples,
drilling test wells, measuring volumes and kinds of
substances received and discharged, and inspecting the

(7)  File with the Department OF HEALTH AND
MENTAL HYGIENE acceptable evidence of a bond or other
security deemed sufficient and adequate by the Department to
cover any costs for:

(i) The monitoring, maintaining, and
closing of the facility;

(ii) The security of the facility after
its closure; and

(iii) Guaranteeing fulfillment of all
permit requirements; or

(8)  Assist, under appropriate circumstances, in
the transfer of public ownership or operation of a facility
by a qualified agency of any subdivision of the State or by
the Maryland Environmental Service.

(1) Transportation of designated hazardous substance.
— Except for designated hazardous substances used for
residential purposes or those regulated by the Department of
Agriculture, a person may not transport a designated
hazardous substance to a facility within the State unless
the person first obtains a certificate from the Department
OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE and the transporting vehicle is
certified by the Department OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE.
As a condition to the issuance of a certificate, the


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3556   View pdf image
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