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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3481   View pdf image
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(d)  "Public Member" is a member of the
Council who is not an employee of the State
or an elected official.

(e)  The State Employment and Training
Council shall

(1)  meet at such times (no less than
5 times each year) and in such places
as the Chairperson deems appropriate,
such meetings to be publicly
announced, and, to the extent
appropriate and permitted by law,
open and accessible to the general

(2)  review the operation of programs
conducted by each prime sponsor, and
the availability, responsiveness, and
adequacy of State services, and make
recommendations to the prime
sponsors, to agencies providing
employment and training services, to
the Governor, and to the general
public with respect to ways to
improve the effectiveness of such
programs or services;

(3)  make an annual report to the
Governor which shall be a public
document, and issue such other
studies, reports, or documents as it
deems advisable to assist prime
sponsors or to otherwise carry out
the purposes of the Act and this
Executive Order;

(4)  identify, in coordination with
the State Advisory Council on
Vocational Education, the employment
and training and vocational education
needs of the State and assess the
extent to which employment and
training, vocational education,
vocational rehabilitation, public
assistance, and other programs
assisted under this and related Acts
represent a consistent, integrated,
and coordinated approach to meeting
such needs;

(5) comment at least once annually
on the reports of the State Advisory


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3481   View pdf image
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